So what goes on in the sixth month of the year? We’ve found the celebrity birthdays, star signs and special days for June.
So what other famous dates in June are there?

What happens in June Star Signers’ Lives

June star signs
The zodiac signs for the month of June are Taurus (until June 20) and Gemini (June 21 to June 20).
According to
Gemini strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas
Gemini weaknesses: Nervous, inconsistent, indecisive.
Gemini likes: Music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town.
Cancer strengths: Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive
Cancer weaknesses: Moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, insecure
Cancer likes: Art, home-based hobbies, relaxing near or in water, helping loved ones, a good meal with friends
Cancer dislikes: Strangers, any criticism of Mom, revealing of personal life

Famous June birthday dates in Australia

Russell Crowe, Heath Ledger and Hugo Weaving
1st. Adam Garcia (actor)
2nd. Mark/Steve Waugh (former cricket players)
3rd. Jamie Dury (TV host)
4th. Mick Doohan (former motorcycle racer)
5th. Emily Seebohm (swimmer)
6th. Luke Burt (former rugby league player)
7th. Iggy Azalea (singer)
8th. Steve Renouf (former rugby league player)
9th. Andrew Symonds (former cricketer)
10th. Tony Martin (comedian)
11th. Ray Warren (sports commentator)
12th. Warwick Capper (former AFL player)
13th. Red Symons (TV personality/musician)
14th. Ross Higgins (former actor, died in 2016)
15th. James Maloney (rugby league player)
Miranda Kerr, Magda Szubanski and Jimmy Barnes
16th. Peter Stirling (rugby league commentator/former player)
17th. Stephanie Rice (former swimmer)
18th. Billy Slater/Cameron Smith (rugby league players)
19th. Poppy Montgomery (actress)
20th. Nicole Kidman (actress)
21st. Craig Lowndes (racecar driver)
22nd. Darryl Brohman (rugby league commentator/former player)
23rd. Bryan Brown (actor)
24th. Robbie McEwen (cyclist)
25th. Craig Johnston (former soccer player)
26th. Jai Taurima (former Olympic long jumper)
27th. Paul Roos (former AFL player/coach)
28th. Mick Cronin (former rugby league player)
29th. Colin Hay (musician)
30th. Ben Cousins (former AFL player)

Famous June birthday dates around the world

1st. Morgan Freeman (actor)
2nd. Earl Boykins (former basketball player)
3rd. Rafael Nadal (tennis player)
4th. Angelina Jolie (actress)
5th. Kenny G (musician)
6th. Mike Gatting (English cricketer)
7th. Liam Neeson (actor)
8th. Kanye West (musician)
9th. Johnny Depp (actor)
10th. Bill Burr (comedian)
11th. Joe Montana (former American football player)
12th. George W Bush Snr (former US president, died 2018)
13th. Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen (actresses)
14th. Boy George (musician)
15th. Neil Patrick Harris (actor)
16th. Tupac Shakur (rapper, died 1996)
17th. Venus Williams (tennis player)
18th. Paul McCartney (musician)
19th. Paula Abdul (singer/actress)
20th. Lionel Richie (musician)
21st. Chris Pratt (actor)
22nd. Cyndi Lauper (singer)

23rd. Duffy (singer)
24th. Lionel Messi (soccer player)
25th. Dikembe Mutombo (former basketball player)
26th. Derek Jeter (baseball player)
27th. Tobey Maguire (actor)
28th. Elon Musk (businessman)
29th. Gary Busey (actor)
30th. Michael Phelps (swimmer)

Famous dates in June around the world

World health day graphic
Third Sunday: Father’s Day in many countries including the UK, USA, China, Japan, Ireland, South Africa (Australia celebrates Father’s Day first Sunday in September along with New Zealand, Fiji and Papua New Guinea)
June 5: World Environment Day
June 6: National Day of Sweden
June 10: Portugal Day

The June name history

Lily flowers in a field
The Latin name for June is Juniu however there are two theories behind the origin of the name. Firstly the Roman goddess Juno (who is the goddess of marriage and the wife of the God known as Jupiter). The second theory is that the name comes from the Latin word iuniores, meaning “younger ones” (maiores which means “elders” by this theory is the source for the month June’s name).

Other month’s facts

June’s birthstones are pearl, alexandrite and moonstone.
The birth flowers are rose and honeysuckle.

Celebrate your next birthday at Lantern Club

Lantern Club alfresco
Unsure where to hold your next birthday party? Lantern Club is the perfect venue with amazing food and service to make it a celebration to remember. To book, call Lantern Club on (02) 8037 8200.