Lantern Club has proudly donated a total of $100,000 to the new BreastScreen NSW site at Campsie Centre, which has been used to build a new sensory suite as well as language interpreters.
According to statistics, there are around 8,000 women in Australia who have breast cancer but are actually unaware and yet to be diagnosed. That means there are around 50 in the Canterbury Council area alone.
The sensory suite is an innovative new design of Breast Screen service which creates relaxing environments to make the experience of breast screening a lot more comfortable. Studies have shown that it has led to many women returning for further regular scans, which in turn results in earlier diagnosis of the cancer. Early detection is hugely important in fighting the disease. Below you can see a video which shows the amazing new suite.
Located opposite Big W, women can be screened between 8:30am and 4pm Monday to Friday all year round.
The outlet will also have Mandarin and Cantonese interpreters every Tuesday between 9:30am and 4pm, Arabic interpreters every Wednesday between 9:30am and 4pm.
Most of the time you will have to make an appointment and you can do that by calling 13 20 50. Sometimes drop ins are available though.
As said above, statistically there is likely to be 50 people in the Canterbury area that have breast cancer. Cancer NSW have launched the campaign Find the Canterbury 50. The campaign urges women in the area to visit the centre for a mammogram.
Facts about Breast Cancer:
– 15,740 people were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, 145 of those were male.
– Survival rates from breast cancer are increasing. These days, 90% of those diagnosed with breast cancer have lived beyond five years after the diagnosis. That’s up from 72.2% in 1986.
– 1 in 8 females will be diagnosed with breast cancer before their 85th birthday.
– Breast cancer is most commonly diagnosed in 65-69 year olds. More so than in 70-74 and 75-79 year olds.
– Statistically, there are 8000 people in Australia currently with breast cancer but haven’t been diagnosed yet.
© Lantern Club, Roselands