So what goes on in the second month of the year? We’ve found the celebrity birthdays, star signs and special days for February.
So what other famous dates in February are there?

What happens in February Star Signers’ Lives

February star signs
The zodiac signs for the month of February Aquarius (from January 20 to February 18) and Pisces (from February 19 to March 20)
According to
Aquarius Strengths: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian
Aquarius Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof
Aquarius likes: Fun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation, a good listener
Aquarius dislikes: Limitations, broken promises, being lonely, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them
Pisces Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical
Pisces Weaknesses: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr
Pisces likes: Being alone, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, spiritual themes
Pisces dislikes: Know-it-all, being criticized, the past coming back to haunt, cruelty of any kind

Famous February birthday dates in Australia

1st. Tim Harding (Musician, former Hi 5 singer)
2nd. Jason Taylor (rugby league coach/former player)
3rd. Isla Fisher (actor)
4th. Natalie Imbruglia (musician)
5th. Brad Fittler (rugby league coach and commentator, former player)
6th. Jamie Whincup (race car driver)
7th. Frank Hyde (former rugby league coach, player and commentator, died in 2007)
8th. Barry Hall (former AFL player)
9th. Glenn McGrath (former cricketer)
10th. Greg Norman (former golfer)
11th. Bill Lawry (cricket commentator, former player)
12th. Jesse Spencer (actor)
13th. Kevin ‘Bloody’ Wilson (comedian/musician)
14th. Jim Jefferies (comedian)
15th. Jarryd Hayne (rugby league player)
16th. Cathy Freeman (former sprinter)
17th. Barry Humphries aka Dame Edna Everage (comedian/actor)
18th. Rex Mossop (former rugby league player and commentator, died in 2011)
19th. Bon Scott (former AC/DC singer, died in 1980)
20th. Daly Cherry-Evans (rugby league player)
21st. Mark Ferguson (newsreader)
22nd. Steve Irwin (former zoologist and TV personality, died 2006)
23rd. Michael Campbell (golfer)
24th. Lleyton Hewitt (tennis player)
25th. Stuart MacGill (former cricketer)
26th. Peter Brock (former race car driver, died in 2006)
27th. Peter Andre (singer/actor)
28th. Mark Latham (politician)
29th. Frank Woodley (comedian)

Famous dates in February around the world

1: Memorial Day of the Republic (Hungary)
3: Veteran’s Day (Thailand)
14: Valentine’s Day
15: National Flag Day (Canada)
22: Celebrity Day (Church of Scientology)
26: National Wear Red Day (UK)
29: Bachelor’s Day (UK and Ireland)

The February name history

The Roman month was called Februarius which was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification as there would be a purification ritual Februa held on February 15 (which was a full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar. January and February were the last two months to be added to the Roman calendar, as Romans originally discounted winter as a monthless period. They were added by Numa Pompilius in about 713 BC. However, February was the last month of the calendar year until the time of the decemvirs (c. 450 BC), when it became the second month.
Primrose flower February
The birth flower of February is the violet (Viola) and the primrose (Primula vulgaris). The birthstone of February is amethyst which symbolizes piety, humility, spiritual wisdom, and sincerity.
amethyst stone February

Celebrate your next birthday at Lantern Club

Unsure where to hold your next birthday party? Lantern Club is the perfect venue with amazing food and service to make it a celebration to remember. To book, call Lantern Club on (02) 8037 8200.
Lantern Club dining

What happened in other months of the year
